Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Connor's 1st Ever T-ball game!

Connor's first-ever tball game, and thus our foray into what I assume will be our long relationship with community sports, began this past Saturday.
He was SO excited...I think he woke up at 5am that morning. Not good, considering Jeff and I were trying to get just a little bit of sleep before our trip to Lincoln for our big race on Sunday.

He couldn't wait to get dressed in his sharp new uniform. "Snakes" T-Shirt? Check. Bright white baseball pants? Check. Cool super-long baseball socks? Check. Arctic layering pieces? Check??
Yes, they were necessary, as it wasn't quite typical baseball weather at the brisk temperature of 37 degrees. In addition to the temperature being cold, the fields where he plays are known as the local version of the arctic wind tunnel. Seriously. Running out there is like nothing I've ever experienced. No trees, no shelter, just lots and lots of wind. Standing out there is even less pleasant, at least in terms of the weather.

The game we watched, however, more than made up for the unfavorable weather conditions.
It was wildly entertaining, what with the players being five years old and relatively new to the sport of t-ball.

Connor gave me a little grin as he headed out to bat.

A hit! YEAH! He was so excited, he forgot all about baseball and its rules. The coach yelled "Run! Run!" Oh, he ran. In circles. It was hilarious! He didn't know whether to run to the dugout or to first base. So he just ran--kind of a back-and-forth kind of run. The coach graciously took his shoulders and directed him to first base. Too cute.

Here he is in the "outfield" (they're five, remember?). Looking a little (yawn!) bored, I'd say. Not too much action this far from the plate, that is for sure.

Overall, it was a successful game. Yes, it was cold, but we had fun. Connor is already counting the days until he gets to play again.

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