So, judging by the fact that I haven't blogged in over a month, could you have guessed that things have been busy?
Let's do a recap...sorry, no pictures right now, but hopefully I will get a few in here. I honestly didn't take but a couple on Christmas, shame on me.
Jeff and I celebrated our 10th anniversary on the 19th. I honestly can't believe it has been that long, and I am happy to say that we still (mostly!) have fun together. Thanks to our lovely parents who kept our children for us, we were able to have a mini-getaway up to Parkville at a lovely bed and breakfast. We shopped (mostly for the kids) and ate, but overall, just had a relaxing time. As we walked around Zona Rosa in the subzero temperatues, I started to wonder what had possessed us to get married during such a crazy and COLD season! Still, we had much better weather than we had the evening of our wedding, when a huge ice storm hit the city.
Christmas was a three-day-affair for us this year where Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the 26th, brought us together with family. The boys had a ball playing with their cousins, eating wayyy too many sweets and treats, and getting completely spoiled with toys from their grandparents. Christmas night we tried something new, we went out for Chinese food! The boys thought it was great--an umlimited chicken nugget buffet!
Our break from school was really long--16 days this year! We so enjoyed having the time off and being able to relax. We saw a couple of dog movies. Marley and Me...sniff, sniff...don't see it unless you want to cry. We took the kids to see Beverly Hills Chihauha at the dollar theater and managed to keep Grant in the vicinity of his seat with an IV of popcorn, candy, and root beer.
Connor lost both of his front teeth in December--I promise to post pictures, really. He is getting so big...We've already begun talking about first grade quite a bit. He asked me the other day who his teacher would be, and my reply was "we'll find out who the best teacher is and you will get her."
His reply to that was: "I hope she is more challenging for me."
Too smart for his own britches, that boy!
Grant began the adventure of potty-training.
We could use your prayers.
Seriously, he is doing quite well, other than the occasional refusal to use the potty where I have to hold him on there and then he breaks into a grin as he gives in and goes. He has a touch of the strong will. Speaking of...that is probably another post. We have decided to leave his baby sitter and move him to preschool in two weeks. Such an agonizing decision, but I am now confident we've made the right choice.
I might write more about it later, but we are still in our 2-week finishing time with the current sitter, so we are just trying to get through.
I am now at 27 weeks in my pregnancy and seem to be growing every day! So far, I really feel pretty good, so hopefully that lasts for another 3 months until delivery.
At my next appointment at the end of the month, I believe we'll be setting an induction date. The doctor says that we'll do another sonogram to gauge baby's weight and growth, so as not to let her get too big, but I am hoping for a late March delivery.
We're now in the long stretch of the school year. The abysmal winter season of January and February. This is definitely my least favorite time of each school year, but we'll get through.
I hope to have more interesting writing sometime soon. And pictures too, of course.
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